Christmas Island has a network of well maintained roads ranging from Sealed Roads within the residential area, Formed Unsealed Roads which form the primary mining haul road and 4 wheel Drive Roads that access areas within the National Park. The Central Road Authority (CRA) is the Island Road Authority which comprises of all the following major road asset owners.
The Shire of Christmas Island
Christmas Island Phosphates (CIP), for roads within the mine lease area
Parks Australia North (PAN) for roads within the National Park
Christmas Island Resort (CIR) for roads specified in the resort development agreement open for public use
The Commonwealth for all other public roads
The Shire of Christmas Island has undertaken the lead role within the authority and has taken responsibility for the co-ordination and management of road maintenance activities. As the maintenance co-ordinator, the Shire has the following responsibilities.
To ensure appropriate road management and best practices are applied to all road maintenance and minor construction works
Provide consistent overall financial management for projects and maintenance programs
Implement and maintain road management and inventory systems
Maintain close liaison with MRWA and Territories Office Perth under the provisions of the Service Delivery Arrangement (SDA)
Coordinate and liaise with other stakeholders on strategies that ensure the Island’s public road network is safe and maintained to a standard that meets the changing needs of all road users
Report to each stakeholder on a regular basis on the management of public roads, the utilisation of funds, the current agreed works program and priorities.
Road Safety Guide
There is a Road Safety Driving Brochure to advise new drivers on the island of the Island’s road network. It makes visitors to the Island aware of inherent dangers to driving on the Island. A free copy of the Road Safety Brochure can be obtained from the Shire of Christmas Island.
Local Traffic Safety Sticker
Local Area speed stickers are available from the Shire office. The stickers are part of a Shire road safety strategy aimed at bringing awareness to the travelling public that they are driving in a 40 kph zone. The objective of the program is to make the roads a safer environment and reduction the risk of incidents involving children and general pedestrian traffic.
House Numbering System
House numbering on the Island conforms with Australian Standards.
For more information please contact the Director Works, Services & Waste on telephone number (08) 9164 8300 ext 234 or mobile number 0439 215 306