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Public Notice 39/20

September 28, 2020

Council Resolution

The Shire of Christmas Island resolved at its 22 September 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting to initiate a formal dialogue with the Kampong residents to collaboratively explore a future sustainable planning and social approach in response to on-going rock fall threats and recognised coastal risks affecting the ageing Kampong housing stock and amenities.

Coastal Risks affecting the Kampong

Coastal hazards such as shoreline erosion and inundation associated with storm surges and rock fall triggered by torrential rains are recognised risks having the potential to exercise significant pressure on the integrity of the Kampong built form and infrastructure with predictable impacts affecting residents.

Climate Change

There is scientific consensus within Australia and internationally that the effects of Climate Change such as bushfires and cyclones are increasing in frequency, scale and severity with considerable physical, economic and social impacts on the communities involved. This is relevant to the Kampong and has been documented in the 2009 and 2012 Climate Change Risk Assessment for the Australian Indian Ocean Territories.

This issue is also identified in the SoCI 2015 Local Planning Strategy that specifically stipulates: “Develop a long term residential transition plan (20-30 years) for the Kampong towards safer existing and new urban areas”

Need to be prepared

This dialogue between the Shire and the Kampong community aim at identification or reserved areas in advance of any catastrophic event, which will provide the Kampong residents with agreed options and pathways to assist and timely protect the socio-economic interests of the Kampong residents.

Commonwealth responsibility

The Commonwealth is currently preparing a 30 years land use plan as part of the Christmas Island Strategic Assessment (CISA) dealing with environmental constraints and ultimately the opening-up of new Crown Land area for development. As part of this process the Shire wants to ensure that the Kampong residents will ultimately be provided with suitable choices in location and housing types in agreed reserved areas should a future relocation be necessary.

Shire responsibility

Finally, the Shire is reviewing its Local Planning Strategy which, when endorsed, will identify agreed reserved residential areas for Kampong residents.

Manager of Governance, Research, Policy and Grants

Chris Su,

Local Planning Strategy 2021-2026

David Price

Chief Executive Officer

©2024 by Shire of Christmas Island

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